Portable Dance Floor Packs for Education

The right floor is essential for your students, not only to achieve their best performances but also for their safety.

Without a purpose-designed dance floor, there is higher risk to health through injury from falling or muscle strain. Ordinary wooden floors or sports floors are too slippery for safety and too hard or unyielding for most dance disciplines. Harlequin’s dance floor technology provides dance students with vinyl and sprung/wood dance floors that offer the right degree of ‘traction’ and controlled ‘spring’.

Harlequin Portable Dance Floor Packs for Education are ideal if there’s no dedicated space for dance or performing arts, for example, if activities take place in a gym or dining hall. Four options are available, depending upon your needs

Claudia Dean is a former dancer of The Royal Ballet, she retired at the end of the 2014 and launched her private ballet coaching business in January 2015 in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Claudia has partnered with Harlequin on many occasions and is considered a loyal customer and friend to Harlequin. Claudia chose Harlequin Studio grey dance vinyl for her studios at Claudia Dean World and tours on Harlequin Cascade.